How do I update the affiliate ids?
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. From the main menu click on Settings then Store Info.
3. Enter your affiliate ids for each program.
How do I update the Ads?
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. From the main menu click on Settings then Quick Adsense.
3. Take the Ad code you have generated from your ad program and paste it over the existing code.
How do I change the header on my site?
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. From the main menu click on Appearance then Theme Images.
3. Click the Browse… button on the Main Banner field.
4. Select the banner image you would like and upload.
Note: Please make sure to format the banner with the type and size stated for best results.
How do I change the background on my site?
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. From the main menu click on Appearance then Theme Images.
3. Click the Browse… button on the Background Image field.
4. Select the image you would like and upload.
Note: Please make sure to select the type stated for best results.
How do I change the sidebar header icons on my site?
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. From the main menu click on Appearance then Theme Images.
3. Click the Browse… button on the Header Icons field.
4. Select the image you would like and upload.
Note: Please make sure to format the icon with the type and size stated for best results.
How do I change the colors on my site?
The colors on your website have been optimized to compliment each other and we highly recommend not changing them unless you know what you are doing. If you are going to change the colors, please make sure to copy the original settings down so that you can restore the original colors if desired.
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in)
2. You can either type the desired HTML color hex code or click on the color and select the desired color using the color pallet.
How do I populate my store page with products from Amazon?
NOTE: You will need to sign up for an Amazon Associates account ( and the Product Advertising API ( before you are able to use the link builder.
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in).
2. From the main menu click on Associates Link Builder -> Settings.
3. Set the default Amazon marketplace based on the Amazon Associates Program for which you are registered (for example, if you’ve signed up for the Amazon Associates Program in US, then your default marketplace selection should be US) and select an appropriate template for rendering your ads.
4. Set default Associate ID. Associate ID is used to monitor traffic and sales from your links to Amazon. You can also define a list of valid Associate IDs (store ids or tracking ids).
5. Set Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in the Settings section. These credentials are used to invoke requests to the Amazon Product Advertising API for fetching information on an item.
6. Click Save Changes.
7. To start adding products to your store, go to the store page: (—a-guide) We recommend using the individual links.
How do I add videos to my site?
NOTE: You will need to create a free YouTube API key from Google. Follow this short video to create your key –
1. Log in to your site administration panel (if not already logged in).
2. From the main menu click on YouTube Free.
3. Enter your key in the YouTube API Key box and click Save Changes.
4. Go to the “Gallery Settings and Directions“ and follow the instructions to add to your Video Page. You may have to add videos on your YouTube account playlist for this to work.
What is a TurnkeyPages Affiliate Website?
It is a professionally designed, pre-built website with proven income producing capabilities and is ready to begin promoting from day one. Our turnkey websites have the following features and functionality…
- A clean and professionally designed website using the latest internet technologies
- An extremely easy to use admin panel to maintain the site
- Fully populated with content (articles based on the site’s products)
- Amazon store, populated with 1000’s of products and updates continuously
- Integrated with Google AdSense ads and ClickBank products
- Add videos related to the products and content of the site
- Latest news related to the products and content of the site
- SEO permalinks for the pages and posts (no numbers in the url)
- Social bookmarking for every page of content (new or existing)
- An auto-updating Sitemap for search engines
- A sitemap for humans, giving them a complete view of the entire site
- An easy to use contact form
- An auto-responder to send automated messages, posts or newsletters
- Easy to use interface to change the site’s colors and images
- Best of all, it’s built using WordPress!
We offer a great selection of turnkey websites, so check them out and start building your online business today!