Why Does On-Page SEO Work so Well?

On-Page SEOOn-Page SEO has actually been with us for a long time. The term is used to describe all the options that are used on a single page of the website in order to heighten its chances with the search engines. There is a large divide between On-Page SEO and Off-Page search engine optimization, but marketers more often than not prefer the former because of diverse reasons.

Fundamentals of On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO covers the fundamentals of making the most of the exposure of your keywords and phrases to the search engine bots through a proper usage of HTML markup. Methods such as keyword optimization, using the proper titles, using alt tags for your images, using the right formatting for your titles, including your logo and graphics in the right format, placing your advertisements in the right position, keyword density and so on. These are things that need to be done on your website’s pages to try and improve their visibility in search engines. On-Page SEO excludes anything outside the webpage, such as submitting the link to directories, sharing links with other websites, article marketing, blogging, opt-in advertising and so forth.

Example of On-Page SEO

I have used this article as an example of On-Page SEO in action. As you can see I have used the keywords “On-page SEO” in the page title, keywords and description of the post. You can also see that I have used the header tags <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.. You can also see that we have a link within the article which uses the anchor tag <a>. It’s also essential to use the alt tag if you are using images within your post and try to use the keywords within the tag as well.

Other important elements included in On-Page SEO that are often overlooked by many bloggers, writers and webmasters. They include such things as putting your keywords in italics, bold and underlined. As you can see in this article “On-Page SEO” has been put in bold, italicized and underlined. Every little aspect gets you closer to the 100% optimization that will get you on the first page of search engines. Another element to improving your On-Page SEO is ensuring your keyword density is at the optimal percentage. An ideal goal is to be around 5% is for your keyword.

Manual or Help

So now that you know what On-Page SEO is, you can either do it manually or use a software program to help you. We came across an amazing plug-in for WordPress that automatically tells us what needs to be addressed in every post we write and cuts down the time to implement this strategy drastically. It’s called SEOPressor.

SEOPressor depends on a factor known as the SEO Score for calculating the worthiness of a particular website. What it will do is it will take some parameters into account and decide whether a particular website will rank well on search engines or not using On-Page SEO factors. This score is a very unique aspect of SEOPressor and the best thing about it is that its results correspond exactly with what a superlative tool such as Google Analytics will show you.

Get more info on SEOPressor

Any On-Page SEO strategy that you follow should become a long term addition to your webpage. Knowing that this is something that functions well, you should able to maintain it easily on the website. So, if you have found out the optimum keywords to use on your webpage, you can utilize them forever, without requiring to go through the research for a second time.

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