The Benefits of the WordPress Category

When you make a new post on your WordPress blog, you have the chance to categorize it. A lot of people don’t take the time to do it, but SEO experts will tell you that it’s a big oversight not to. It’s actually pretty simple to add a category and can be done while your Read more about The Benefits of the WordPress Category[…]

Can You Really Make Money With A Turnkey Website Business?

The answer is a resounding, yes! First, let me explain what a turnkey website business is. Essentially, all aspects of the website have been designed for you. It is professionally designed, pre-built with proven income producing capabilities and ready to begin promoting from day one. The two most common types of turnkey websites are Affiliate Read more about Can You Really Make Money With A Turnkey Website Business?[…]

What does it take to be successful with a Turnkey Niche Website?

This is a question that comes up a lot and it has, of course, made me really think about the answer. Sometimes when you have achieved success in something you forget exactly how you reached that point, so I’ve decided to put my thoughts down as to what I think you need to be successful Read more about What does it take to be successful with a Turnkey Niche Website?[…]

How to setup a passive income niche website in 30 minutes or less.

Have you ever thought or been thinking about starting a website to make extra money? One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned by creating websites for people is that most people just don’t know where to start or are scared to death about all the technical part involved. So most people give up before they Read more about How to setup a passive income niche website in 30 minutes or less.[…]